Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Success Vs. Failure: Finale

Continuation for previous week...


Coach Anang: Failure in your SPM doesn't mean it's the end of your life... It'll hurt you so much, but in the end... It is you that matters. Stand up and get on with your new life. Learn from your failure, and plan your life ahead. You're just 19 yeas old... There are many more years ahead of you. Fill it up with greater success. Let others have their success now, but InsyaAllah, dengan TEKAD dan usaha , you will also gain your success one day.

My mom always giving me this advice:
"Jangan terlalu terburu-buru mengejar kejayaan, tak semestinya kejayaan sekarang menjamin kejayaan di masa hadapan. Ingatilah cerita si kura-kura dengan arnab - yang berlari cepat, tidak semestinya akan sampai di pintu kejayaan lebih awal"

Take one step at a time.. InsyaAllah, champs sekalian akan berjaya suatu hari nanti. Berjanji pada diri sendiri yang kalian akan berusaha dengan bersungguh2. Kegagalan bukanlah satu penghalang, akan tetapi ianya satu pintu untuk kejayaan.

Pahatlah semula TEKAD di hati mu dan teruskanlah dengan langkah pertama mu... Insyaallah, Wawasan akan di julang, dan Kejayaan akan digenggam.

Coach Lan : You need willpower, determination, prayers, support from friends and the understanding of yourself to lift yourself up and move on. This sharing is for my friends, but it is especially for my adik-adik to learn from. I can almost connect and understand our adik-adik Champions immediately simply because, I was once their shoes.

From the Editorial Team: Notice how Coach Anang’s and Coach Lan’s answers came out surprisingly similar, even though they answered the questions separately and they live thousands of miles apart ? Coach Anang is currently doing his PhD. in Melbourne, Australia and Coach Lan works and lives in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Missed the previous episodes?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


TekadMon at 8:54 pm



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